Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Little Board Game Distraction

"No games." "I want iPad." Well iPad time was over. Sometimes as a mom you have to click into "distractor-mode" when your kiddos with autism are demanding electronics. The other day we busted out some old games that Nathan used to play--and even though he was hesitant at first he eventually came around and had a great time. My sweet Noelle will be a great teacher/mother someday. It was endearing to watch her encourage her big brother along. #AutismLife #BoardGames #SiblingLove

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pajama Pants and Rubber Boots

I know what you are thinking...Styling! Right? If you were to pop over and visit me right after I helped Nathan get showered in the morning, this is how I would be decked out: t-shirt, pajama pants and rubber boots. I know. I know. You are thinking, "Tamara, you are a total trend setter. Why don't the fashion magazines follow you?" Well, gollly! It must be that pajama pants and rubber boots just haven't caught on yet. Give it time.
This is #AutismLife at its finest my friends. Here at the Anderson home we don't care what you look like or dress like. Everything is worn for practical purposes.
I wish I could say I hadn't gone out in public like this, but I must confess that I shoveled snow from the driveway several times dressed like this in the last few months. Thank goodness it was at 6:30am. When someone drove by I just smiled and waved--Ha ha. It's a miracle my neighbors still talk to me!
So, the next time you are looking oh so lovely in your pajama pants and boots you can know you are not alone in the world. I'm right there with you.
#AutismMom #ItsNormalForMe

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dragonwatch Review

I finished it!!!! Dragonwatch is a deliciously rich feast after a long Fablehaven famine. I couldn't put the book down! Seth and Kendra are off to their adventures again with clever twists and unexpected turns. Dragonwatch is the perfect start to this new sequel series. It is perfect for kids, teens, and adults who are looking to delve into a fun fantasy adventure. Great job Brandon Mull! The only con is that I have to wait until next year to devour the next book;). #DragonwatchReview #5Stars #MustRead

When the Book You've Been Waiting for Arrives....

Look what just arrived!!! My daughter told me, "Go curl up in a corner mom. I call dibs when you are done." Ha ha! This girl knows me all too well. #Dragonwatch #Fablehaven #BrandonMull #LoveToRead

Monday, March 13, 2017

Meeting Richard Paul Evans

I was humbled to be able to participate in Richard Paul Evan's Author Mentoring this weekend. It was an experience I will never forget! He is indeed kind and is a powerful speaker and motivator. I am so thankful for all that he taught us!

I feel like I came into the training as a “toddler" in my knowledge of publishing. This had me feeling as though I was looking up at a giant mountain, overwhelmed about where to start or even how to navigate my uphill climb. This training not only showed me the map for the trail to traverse this publishing mountain, but it gave me a network of friends and professionals to journey with. I am no longer alone as I climb step by step up my mountain of writing and publishing. Was it worth it? Yes! A million times over—YES. For now I know the path that I need to trod and I have a map to follow. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Richard Paul Evans. You are an answer to prayer. I no longer feel intimidated by the journey in front of me—only empowered to go forward and write my life’s work.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

An Organizing Project

For the past week and a half I decided to spend my spare time organizing my craft closet--mostly so I could access/find my material and make quilts (to donate). Anyway, I ended up repurposing some old dressers and I did get to build some shelves from scratch--but it was fun, creative work (and I got to use my new saw:). Now my closet is organized and my mind is already piecing together some quilts. Now I better get sewing:). Here are the before, during, and after pictures.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Hanging with The Wiggles

When I hang with my buddy Nathan, you never know what we will end up doing. Last week we took a walk down memory lane and sang and danced with "The Wiggles." I love my perpetual 3-year-old and his sweet innocence! #Autism