Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stress Ball Fun!

For Christmas we got Nathan a bunch of squish stress balls.  One of them came with a little air in it and every time you squeeze it, it makes this funny noise.  One evening we found ourselves just giggling at the silly noise this made.  Enjoy!


Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break Bliss

One of my favorite things about Spring Break is not having to rush my kids out the door to school in the morning and no homework!  Yeah!  Today these are a few of my favorite things!  These are things that help me look forward to summer when I don't have to worry about those things at all!  So...here is to my taste of summer this week!  What do you enjoy about the break from school?

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Great Quote on Trials

I love this quote: “No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, [God] will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is [against] His character [to do so]. He is an unchangeable being. … He will stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and the purer for them, if we only trust in our God and keep His commandments.” --George Q. Cannon (1827-1901)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Happy Toes

During our time in Texas a few years ago, I was blessed to find the "Parent Resource Center" that was part of our school district.  I went to several of the classes that they had that taught me how to better parent children with autism and helped me "Problem-solve" some of the issues we were having.

One of the classes I participated in helped us to make personalized books with pictures teaching our son a concept that he needed to learn.  Most kiddos on the autism spectrum are visual learners. Nathan likes to bite his toenails and had gotten several ingrown toenails over the years because of this.  So, I decided to make a book called, "My Happy Toes" to help him understand that he shouldn't bite his toes anymore.

After we did this, my husband made a video of me reading the book to Nathan, because he had found that he really LOVES videos, and they help him learn even more.

This doesn't mean that he never bites his toes anymore...although how a 16-year-old can even get his toes to his mouth still blows my mind.  But, when I do catch him and ask if he wants "mom to clip them," he does let me do it....so we are making progress.

My Happy Toes

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Keepin' Happy

You know, I think one of the biggest challenges each day is maintaining a happy attitude when you have kids that are grumpy! I was telling one of my kids this morning that they needed to pray to God and ask Him to help them feel happy today. As I was walking away I muttered a prayer that went something like this, "God give me strength."

Some days are just like that.  We don't feel strong enough to deal with all the barrage of emotions that comes with the myriad of personalities we deal with in our kids or whomever else we deal with on a daily basis.  So, today I pray God will give each of us the strength to conquer whatever mountain we may be climbing. Just remember that the view from the top of the mountain is always worth the climb:).

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Finding Joy in a Balloon

This giant helium balloon was given to Nathan on his birthday (Jan 31) by his siblings.  Believe it or not, it has remained afloat almost 2 months!!!  He has played with it by dropping it from the 2nd story loft down to the main floor and run back and forth up and down our hallway with it day after day.  Who knew such joy could be found in a balloon?

I even had to replace the string on it about 2 weeks ago because he had worn the string out and the balloon was still afloat!  Nathan's poor balloon is on it's last leg and has gradually started floating a little less the last day or two.

The joy of having a 16-year-old with autism is that they keep you finding joy in life's simple pleasures.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Digging in a Little Dirt

"Mom, you're getting your wedding ring all dirty," commented Noelle as we were planting this weekend. "Yes, I sure am."

I know I should probably wear gloves when gardening, and sometimes I do, but for some reason I really like to feel the soil in my hands.  I can't explain why, but it makes me happy.  Yes, I know I get dirt in my nails and my ring, but it washes off.  Maybe my inner child needs to still splash in mud puddles and make mud pies or something like that.  Or maybe I just like getting up to my elbows in dirt.  I love growing a garden!  I love watching seeds get planted and grow into something we can eat.  I get an immense sense of satisfaction out of growing stuff.  Maybe it is in my blood.

So, if you are feeling a little down this week...go dig in the dirt.  It may be a little therapeutic!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Seeing Through Different Eyes:)

I had LASIK done on Wednesday, and I must confess that last night I had the thought to take my contacts out about 50 times before I went to bed...but there were no contacts to take out.

I honestly thought I was too old to consider having LASIK done, but I saw that my friend, Lisa Higbee, had it done and I decided that if she could do it, I could too.  I am dealing with eye dryness, but I can see pretty well.  Yesterday at my follow-up exam I could see 20/20 in my left eye, right was 20/30-20/40 but I had some pretty bad light sensitivity.  Today, I am feeling much better, and don't have as much light sensitivity.  Sometimes I am still a little blurry, but my Dr told me that is due to my eyes being dry...and so I don't go too far from my eye drops.

I'm telling you, it is pretty amazing to me that there is technology out there to help fix eyes.  I'm thankful for good Doctors--Shout out to Hoopes Vision for taking great care of me!  I am also thankful for the support of my husband, family and friends!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Musical Chuckle

Here is a chuckle for all of my musical friends. It is a new t-shirt my husband bought for my son Jordan (who LOVES music!) Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Taking Things Literally

Kids with autism take things literally. Below is an example that I find quite humorous!  Nathan came home with a packet on being "angry."  On this page he was asked to "draw a picture of your favorite cool down strategy."  This is what he wrote/drew.  Hope you get a chuckle out of it.:)

Monday, March 16, 2015

"I Want....."

The other night as I was putting Nathan to bed, I carefully followed his nightly bedtime routine.  After I prayed with him and helped him put his glasses on his night stand he sat there and looked at me...and I could see words forming in his eyes like something was wrong.  For the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was.

There are moments when I really wish he could just spit out what he is thinking.  It would make it so much easier.  Usually he just lays down and goes to sleep.  Not that night.  I finally called my husband up because I couldn't think what could be bugging him. After trying a few ideas, my husband finally said, "I want...."  After Nathan echoed "I want" a couple of times his brain was finally able to find the word he wanted and tell us "clothes."

Oh yes!  He wanted to change his clothes before bed.  He usually sleeps in a t-shirt and shorts and he was in a t-shirt and shorts from earlier that day, but I hadn't "changed his clothes for bed."  Oops!  My bad!  Sigh!

I am so thankful that he was able to spit that word out to help us understand what he wanted.  Even though it took him a while to let us know what was bugging him, I am thankful for simple words that help us avoid what used to be tantrums because he couldn't even use one word to help us understand. Next time I need to remember and say, "I want...."

A Little Help with Heavy Burdens

When Nathan was diagnosed with autism I went through many dark nights where I felt the weight of the world of his diagnosis on my shoulders.  It was too heavy to carry all by myself...and I went through a phase when I was mad that God wouldn't heal him, because I knew He could.  What I didn't realize was that this "burden" would make me a stronger, better person as I yoked myself to Jesus.

Yesterday in Sunday School we had a really good discussion about Matt 11:28-30, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..."  These verses have brought me such peace at several dark and difficult times of my life.  We talked about how there are some actions that we need to take on to yoke ourselves to the Savior:  Come, Take His yoke, and Learn of Me.  I had to go through these steps, humble myself enough to submit to His yoke...and I have found strength and healing and courage to go on.

One thing that was pointed out that I had never noticed before (and I have read and digested these words many, many times).  In verse 29 Jesus says, "for I am meek and lowly in heart."  What does that mean? Why is it in the middle of these verses?  One person commented that to them it meant that Jesus is approachable and that no matter our past or our sins or whatever we have done that He is willing to yoke himself to us and help us carry our load.

Looking back through the years, I am thankful that I got over my anger at God and came unto him.  Christ is very approachable, and I have felt my burden lifted as I have yoked myself to Him.  I doesn't mean that I haven't stumbled a little here or there.  I am just glad I am yoked to someone stronger and wiser than I am.  He has helped me find solutions to problems along the way, helped me shoulder many more burdens, and has even helped calm a storm or two.  God is a good person to have on your side:).

Friday, March 13, 2015

Whats the Weather like today?

I have a few "weathermen" in my home that keep me up to date on what the weather is going to be today or tomorrow.  Not only do they keep me aware of the weather in our town, but also in Mesa, Arizona (where my family lives) and California (where my husband's family lives) and a few other choice spots.

One of my "weathermen" is Jacob, my 12-year-old with high-functioning autism.  I can ask him any morning what the weather will be and (with the help of his weather app) he will give me the run-down on what the temperature currently is and what it will get up to.  Of course, he has been wearing shorts to school lately because he thinks it is getting so "warm."

I agree that it has been warm, but you won't see me in shorts until we are in the 80s or 90s.  Maybe someday my blood will thicken enough for me to think that I can wear shorts in 65 degree weather or maybe I will always be a Utah, cold-weather wimp!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Light Saber Battle of Epic Proportions:)

My 16-year-old Nathan has low-functioning autism and LOVES Star Wars. Last night I went to check on him and found him with one of our toy light sabers. I grabbed one myself and found myself in an epic battle that lasted for at least 30 minutes. We had fun! Enjoy our battle!  

(Go to my Facebook page to see it...so fun!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Elusive Sleep

I am so tired today!  I would like to blame it all on daylight savings, but alas, that is not the only problem.  I need to get to bed earlier.  In order for me to get to bed earlier, I need to get my kids to bed earlier because for some reason I need some "me time" after the kids get to sleep.

Sometimes my "me time" includes folding laundry or doing some dishes and it almost always ends with me reading right before bed.  There are some books that are hard to put down though...and I want to keep reading and reading and all of the sudden I look at the clock and think, "What the heck!  How did it get to be so late?"  The next day I feel like by bed is magnetized and I can't seem to be able to move to get up.  Sigh!

So, I am setting a goal to get my kids and myself to bed earlier.  Hope I can do it:).

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Value of My Morning Walk

My morning walks actually help keep me from going gray.  I honestly believe this.  That is because by the time I get my kids off to school some days, I feel like I have earned at least 10 more gray hairs.  So, off I go walking.  Today I had to jog a little bit because the stress level was a bit higher than normal.

Now, after the walk, I feel like I only will get 2 more gray hairs due to morning stress.  Thank goodness for exercise.  I think it will keep me sane...or at least keep me from going completely gray before summer:).

Friday, March 6, 2015

Oh...That's Why Mom Has That Rule

Dear Children, You may not see or understand why mom has crazy rules like, "Don't throw balls in the house" until you break that rule...and break the chandelier.  Please, please, listen and obey all the rules, even if you don't understand them.  There are reasons why parents have rules.

In fact, there are reasons that God has rules or commandments too.  We may not see or understand the "why" of the commandments.  I'm sure God doesn't want us to find out the hard way and break them to completely understand why he has set up certain rules.  Choices have consequences...and once you make the choice, you can't always control the consequence.

Rules and Commandments are there for a reason.  Parents want their children to be happy and protected.  And God, as the ultimate parent, wants His children to be happy and protected too.

That's my thought for the day.  Now, any ideas on how I am going to fix my chandelier (inexpensively of course)?  My poor kid's wallet is paying for the consequence.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Slow and Steady

This photo makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.  I can laugh about it now because I am standing there with a very obvious fake smile on my face because we had two kids throwing a tantrum during this family picture.  I want to cry remembering how hard and disheartening some days have been and sometimes still are.

I think what defines us is what we do during hard times.  Do we give up, or do we keep going even though it seems like one step forward and two steps back?  Having two kids on the autism spectrum has truly helped me appreciate the tiny baby steps that my children and I take day after day.  Looking back over the years I can see giant milestones that I passed by keeping my slow and steady pace.

For example, our family can now sit on the front pew at church without having some kid "escape" and run all over chapel with me frantically chasing them.  I can now make a quick stop at a grocery store without some child having a major meltdown.  Things that I thought impossible and improbable just five years ago are now achievable.  For those of you with youngsters that are driving you crazy...keep the faith and keep trudging onward. Slow and steady wins the race.

Maybe now I should try for a family picture with everyone smiling:).

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Stressed? Eat Chocolate

I took a picture of this from an "All You" magazine the other day. Ladies, if you are stressed--the answer is CHOCOLATE. I think I better go make sure I have my stash ready for every afternoon. Now I just need to decide if I take my stress-reduction chocolate before the kids get home (to alleviate stress before it happens) or after they get home (during the stress). Oh heck! How both both before and after?:) Anyone else need some chocolate today?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Load of Crap (Literally)

Giving enemas is not on my list of top 10 favorite things to do, but keeping my kids "regular" is.  The other day I had to give Nathan an enema.  It has actually been a couple of years since I have had to do that, which means we have gotten him on to a good "pooping schedule."  As the parent of two kiddos on the autism spectrum, this is actually a common problem.

I have cleaned up more poop in my days than a normal person should ever have to do.  I have cleaned it after it has been smeared on bedding, the walls, the carpet, the couch, the furniture.  Ugh!  It makes me want to gag just thinking back on it.  Potty training a kid with autism doesn't go as smoothly nor as quickly as it does with a typically developing kid.

The key to cleaning up poop is to not breathe through your nose and to mentally tell yourself, "I am NOT cleaning up poop."  I think the same thing applies to vomit...not breathing through your nose and not thinking about what you are doing so that you don't end up contributing to the mess.

So, to all of you parents out there that have ever had to clean up an unsightly mess (where you have to plug your nose), must applaud you!  It is not easy to do, and it has made me EVER so THANKFUL for washing machines and carpet cleaners:).

Monday, March 2, 2015

Zipline Fun

A few weeks ago my husband and I took a much needed "get-away" on a cruise. Here is a clip of one of the excursions we did on St. Kitts...Ziplining. Yes, I'm the crazy one that likes to go upside down:).


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Angels Among Us

Today at church Elder Von Keetch quoted the words to the Alabama song "Angels Among Us."  I had never heard the song before and looked it up.  Its lyrics are beautiful, and I also believe that there are angels among us, both seen and unseen.
