Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Power of Music

Each child has their strengths. My children seem to especially love music. I think God knew what He was doing when He sent them to me because I LOVE music as well and have been involved with directing choirs for years.

Noelle started orchestra this morning. She chose to play the violin, whereas her brothers play the cello. It will be fun to hear them playing together as they get older. Here is a photo of her with a violin that is 1/16 the normal size. Did you have any idea they made them this small? She will be playing a full-size violin and will continue with piano.

Jacob, although he is high-functioning on the autism spectrum, has LOVED playing the cello and the piano. Now he wants to learn to play the guitar, left-handed (even though he is right-handed). Not sure how that one is going to play out.

Nathan, though low-functioning on the autism spectrum, LOVES music. He is constantly singing. He won't ever sing when everyone else does, but he loves music. When he is mad, it calms him down. It is a very important tool in our home.

Jordan also loves music and is loving his senior year taking 3 choir classes (two vocal choir classes and one where he plays the bells). He too has been blessed by the power of good music and has told me that music helps him to keep temptation away when he listens to it.

I am thankful for the power of good music. It can drive the blues away, it can teach kids rhythm, counting, math, and it is a second language to learn to read. I hope schools continue to value the arts. They are so important!

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