Thursday, January 29, 2015

Unpacking Boxes in the Closet

Two weeks ago on Saturday my hubby and I undertook a MAJOR project:  Looking through all those moving boxes in the closets that we haven't unpacked yet.  Yes, I know we have lived in Utah for 2 and 1/2 years and you would think we'd be completely unpacked and organized by now.  Nope.

Most of the boxes were full of scrapbooking stuff or beautiful pictures that the kids drew that I have saved (and I need to scan)...the problem is I have over 18 years worth of it.  Sigh!  That stuff got left in boxes.  I will get to it someday.

We did pull out the picture books that I had put together when Jordan and Nathan were little boys and it was cute to see my babies again (since they are both bigger than I am now).  Funny that the picture books ended when Jacob was born.  Maybe some moms can keep up with picture books and scrapbooking, but I wasn't ever one of those moms.

The other boxes I FINALLY unpacked held all my "craft room" and sewing stuff.  My crafting stuff was in three closets and a dresser that has been in the garage since we moved in.  Any time I needed something crafty (like the glue gun or yarn or sharp scissors) I have been running from room to room trying to find it.  Now it is all in Nathan's closet (he doesn't use his closet much so I have now officially taken it over.)

It took us most of the day.  Justin was done after lunch but I wanted to get all my craft stuff organized so I was organizing until dinner time.  But hey, I can find everything now and it is all in one place! Woot! Woot!  Now I just need to tackle my master bedroom closet...maybe in another 2 and 1/2 years I'll be ready:).