Monday, February 16, 2015

Laundry Tip Monday

Monday is laundry day at our house, which means I end up doing at least 6-7 loads of laundry each Monday. I really try to keep my schedule open so that I don't have to go anywhere--it is laundry day. This doesn't mean that I don't have to do any laundry the rest of the week, but I just try to get most of it done on Mondays.  While I am waiting for laundry to run I can also tidy the home, which always looks like it has been hit by a tornado by Monday morning.  I don't know why this is since we have the kids do chores on Saturday to tidy the home.  Oh well!

I thought that I would share a laundry tip today.  As I pull clothes out of the dryer, I droop shirts and pants than need to be hung over the dryer door (like the photo above).  I fold the other pants and shirts immediately and place them in the kid's individual laundry baskets that are on top of my washer and dryer.  Then, I put socks in the laundry basket.  The nice thing about having the shirts draped across the dryer door is that I HAVE to hang them up before I start drying the next load.  I also have installed rods to hang clothes in the laundry room so that I have somewhere nearby to immediately hang these clothes up. My other favorite thing is to either listen to an audio book or watch a favorite TV show while folding socks (this makes it more enjoyable for me). Once the laundry is done, the kids have to put it all away neatly in their rooms (at least I imagine that they put it neatly away).

My kids also know how to do sort clothes, to fold clothes etc. and they help me with this in the summer time.  I'd LOVE to hear some of your laundry tips as well.  Happy washing day!

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