Friday, April 10, 2015

Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness month! I am thankful for my two boys that are on the autism spectrum. They have taught me a lot about love and patience.  They are unique and perfect in their own way. I am so thankful that God chose to send them to be a part of my family!

I could not have said this when they were first diagnosed because having a child diagnosed with autism is very overwhelming. It is a domino effect that changes your entire life. But, what I learned is that just because my expectations for my life changed doesn't mean that my life is terrible. In fact, life with kiddos on the spectrum is wonderful!

My kiddos help me find joy in simple things that I think that most people overlook or take for granted. I also love how pure and sweet these kids are (even when they get big). Granted, there are moments that are more bitter than sweet, but the sweet outweigh the bitter.

So let's celebrate all the unique kids and adults with autism this month. Let's find joy in the fact that they wonderful just the way they are! Let's rejoice in the fact that we are each "normal for me."
#autismawarenessmonth #normalforme #normalformemom

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