Thursday, May 5, 2016

Concert Tantrums

Ah. The end of the school year is upon us along with concerts and performances and tantrums:). Last night Noelle played in her orchestra "Monster Concert." Nathan threw a huge tantrum and didn't want to go. I yelled at us the entire way out to the concert and for about 40 minutes before that. Sigh! So, Justin and I rotated staying with him in the car during the performance so he wouldn't yell and yell at the concert and disrupt the performance.

Ironically, an acquaintance of mine called me this week and asked if I'd like to help her put together a "concert" for families that have kids with special needs (so they could be noisy and get up during the concert and not feel bad about interrupting or bothering anyone). I remember thinking--you think I'd take my son to one more concert and deal with his tantrums? No thank you! If I wanted to go to a concert and actually enjoy it I would leave Nathan home with a babysitter.

Now, I know that there are lots of kids with special needs that would LOVE to attend a concert like that, but others (like Nathan) don't like to deal with the crowds and noise and commotion of concerts.

So, enjoy the end of the school year performances everyone! And, if you can actually sit through one without tantruming kids, count your blessings:).

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